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Corporate Policy

Quality Policy

The management, aware that only an ecologically correct exploitation of forests can leave future generations with an intact forest heritage, has decided to become FSC® CoC certified.

The Management establishes the integrated policy for quality – FSC® and ensures:

  1. It is appropriate to the needs and expectations of customers and other stakeholders, the external and internal context of the organization and supports its strategic directions, including combating climate change;
  2. which provides a reference framework for setting quality objectives;
  3. which includes a commitment to comply with the applicable mandatory requirements;
  4. which includes a commitment to identify climate change-related risks, products and services, working to eliminate them or minimize their impact through targeted actions;
  5. which includes a commitment to continuous improvement of the quality management system.

The company’s integrated quality – FSC® policy is as follows:

In drawing up or amending it, the management undertakes to:

  • consider Quality as a decisive element in compliance with the requirements set out in this legislation and continuously improve the products and services provided to customers;
  • increase its competitiveness (in terms of products, prices, time) towards the competition;
  • ensure the necessary means to know the needs and expectations of customers;
  • reduce “non-quality” and non-conformity (in terms of number and cost);
  • raising the level of reliability and quality of business performance;
  • ensure full compliance with the contractual requirements defined with the Client;
  • increase market shares;
  • increasingly direct purchases to qualified, possibly certified, reliable and green suppliers;
  • strive for continuous improvement.

The Management issues and reviews this document annually entitled “Integrated Quality Policy – FSC®“.

The document is disseminated within the organization and made available to any person outside the company who is interested in seeing it. The Policy may be subject to changes such as the company structure, the reference context or the needs of interested parties change and is in any case subject to review within the framework of the Periodic Management Review.

Compliance with the policy is ensured through “auditing” and management review activities to assess the degree of implementation of the targets set and define new targets, including climate change targets, with a view to continuously improving the effectiveness of the QMS.

Objectives for quality

Annually, during the Review, the Management develops a document: list of performance indicators and new objectives, defining the objectives to be achieved for the relevant levels and functions of the Organization.

The Management declares that, as in previous years, the workers will also be represented by a Worker’s Representative (RLS) for next year and as far as safety is concerned it will be the responsibility of the RSPP to ensure compliance with the Consolidated Safety Text 81/2008.
The Management is willing to demonstrate to the competent bodies how it has put in place to guarantee ethical and safety principles for workers.

Social Policy

SCIC S.p.A., in line with its mission and corporate values, has committed to operate in compliance with the requirements of PAS 24000:2022, through transparent methods and systems aimed at identifying and meeting the expectations of its main stakeholders: employees, customers, and suppliers.

To this end, SCIC S.p.A. has implemented a Social Management System in accordance with PAS 24000:2022. SCIC S.p.A. also believes that the adopted Social Management System is an essential management tool for creating advantages, not only in terms of product/service improvement and corporate reputation, but also for maintaining an active process of continuous improvement, benefiting the organization itself, its employees, the surrounding context, and its stakeholders. The consistency of the Social Responsibility Policy with the implemented corporate strategies is continuously evaluated by management to verify its alignment and relevance with business activities.

The adequacy of this Policy and, more generally, of the Social Management System is guaranteed by independent third-party audits.

  • comply with national, Community and international laws and the principles laid down in PAS 24000 on labour and workers’ rights, by complying with the provisions contained in official documents and their interpretations;
  • comply with the social responsibility requirements of PAS 24000:2022 over time and adapt to new requirements as required;
  • ensure the regular monitoring and continuous improvement of the implemented Social Management System, defining specific objectives for improvement and verifying their achievement in the DG Review;
  • ensure that all staff are adequately trained and informed in the area of social responsibility, and emphasize the consultation and participation of all employees in the continuous improvement of the Social Management System;
  • raise awareness among suppliers on compliance with PAS 24000:2022 social responsibility requirements;
  • conduct internal audits to ensure compliance with social responsibility requirements, including taking any necessary corrective and preventive action;
  • document and communicate to stakeholders the commitment to corporate social responsibility.

The commitments undertaken by SCIC S.p.A. within the Social Management System, in accordance with PAS 24000:2022, are as follows:

  1. Human Rights Policy: the company is committed to respecting Human Rights and for this purpose it draws up and updates a list of risks related to human rights and carries out specific controls in order to avoid that its activities may have negative impacts on human rights. The company commits not to generate any negative impact on the respect of human rights due to the activities carried out. If such impacts occur, they will be addressed and resolved or mitigated.
  2. Forced labour: the holding does not use or promote forced labour in any way. It shall not oblige its workers to work under threat or sanction and, if necessary, shall lay them off for good cause with reasonable notice.
  3. Child labour: the company does not use or promote child labour, that is to say work by children under the minimum age laid down by law (16 years). In addition, all young workers (between 16 and 18 years old) must be subject to non-hazardous working conditions and the hours, duties and remuneration permitted by law.
  4. Freedom of association: the company does not impede trade union freedom workers, nor the rights of trade unionists.
  5. Discrimination and fair treatment of workers: the company does not discriminate among its workers on the basis of age, sex, religion, race or other equivalent grounds.
  6. Health and safety at the workplace: the company takes all necessary measures (including those provided for by law) to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for workers. (Reference law in Italy D.Lgs 81/08)
  7. Building safety: the company ensures that fire exits, escape routes, fire equipment and fire alarms are appropriately marked according to national and industry standards. Fire exits and escape routes shall be open, accessible and unobstructed to allow safe evacuation in the event of an emergency. Fire-fighting equipment and fire alarms shall be tested or inspected in accordance with applicable national legal or industry requirements. Appropriate measures shall be taken to assess and monitor the robustness, stability and safety of buildings and equipment.
  8. Employment and contractual relationships: the company guarantees that work is performed by persons employed in a formal employment relationship, verifiable in accordance with applicable national legal requirements. In particular, the recruitment is formalised with the conclusion of the Employment Contract, which includes, in addition to the general details of the person to be recruited, also the reference to the CCNL and consequently all the provisions governing the employment contract.
  9. Working hours: the company guarantees a working time in line with what is provided for by the National Collective Agreement and, in any case, no longer than 48 hours per week. The overtime, if necessary, “is not imposed”, but voluntary, paid with a fee higher than normal working hours, in line with what is provided for by the National Category Contract and, in any case, no more than 12 hours per week.
  10. Complaint procedure: a written procedure for the handling of complaints has been adopted. Anyone, whether employee or external party, may make reports and/or complaints in relation to facts and events of an abusive nature, Offence or illegality in the workplace and contrary to the principles of social responsibility contained in PAS 24000 as follows:
    through the Social Management System Manager, forwarding the report and/ or complaint (it is your right to request anonymity) by e-mail:, or by filling in the COMPLAINT REPORT Mod_A10 form (signed or anonymous), inserting it in the appropriate “Reporting and/or Complaints Box PAS 24000”;
    Alternatively, if you are concerned that communicating the complaint to internal functions of the company may be underestimated or not taken into account, you can send it directly to the IMQ Certification Body at the email address:, or by post: IMQ MILANO – HEADQUARTERS Via Marco Fabio Quintiliano 43 – 20138 Milano (MI) Tel: +39 02 50 73 1 Fax: +39 02 50 99 15 00.
    The company guarantees confidentiality to those who submit a complaint. No employee or outside party who makes a complaint in good faith is subject to retaliation.
  11. Business ethics: the company is actively committed to preventing and combating any act of bribery, extortion, embezzlement or any form of extortion, whether directly or indirectly.
  12. Climate change: The company is committed to managing its production processes in a sustainable way, minimizing the consumption of energy and natural resources, reducing waste generation and polluting emissions.

This Policy is displayed in a clear and visible manner, in an appropriate and understandable form, both at the workplace and on the company’s website.

This Policy for Social Responsibility is reviewed annually by the Management, in order to ascertain its continued suitability, topicality and effectiveness in SCIC S.p.A..

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